
Apologies for any issues experienced with the booking systems on the website.  With the help from Simon Bennett of OxInternet we are now in the process of updating and improving the website.  We have had a morning of website training with Simon so we are now all up to speed! We will soon be adding […]

November Breakfast

A group of over 20 local business leaders met at Boringdon Park Golf Club this morning for networking and breakfast organised by the Plym Chamber of Commerce. A presentation was given today by Mark Hinchliffe of Inch Solutions.  Inch Solutions specialise in the buying and selling of second hand office furniture

AGM & Supper Club Launch

Our AGM was held on Thursday 23rd April at 6pm at Elfordleigh Hotel. This was followed by the launch of the Supper Club which was enjoyed by all. We were joined by Gary Streeter, the Parliamentary Candidate for South West Devon for a Q&A session. Our new committee is now in place. We also took a look […]

March Breakfast

A group of local business leaders met at Boringdon Park Golf Club this morning for the monthly breakfast networking event organised by the Plym Chamber of Commerce. A presentation was given by Julie Cater, the Logistics & Recycling Administrator from St Luke’s Hospice. Julie explained how a new company

February Breakfast

A number of local business leaders met at Boringdon Park Golf Club this morning for the monthly breakfast networking event organised by the Plym Chamber of Commerce. A presentation was given by Mark Hinchliffe of Inch Solutions who specialise in the disposal of excess stock and supply of office furniture and catering equipment ( The […]

January Breakfast Presentation

What a brilliant turn out for the January breakfast we had this week! This breakfast we were lucky to have our member Kristy Burridge from Grosvenor G Casino Plymouth giving the monthly presentation. We were all in store for a treat as three chips were given to every person at the breakfast. Kristy talked about […]

Thank you!

After the big success of the Christmas Lights 2014, we would like to thank all the people and businesses that have helped us make this event happen and who have donated generously both time and money    

January Breakfast

Make a date for Tuesday 13th January! With the monthly Breakfast meeting fast approaching book your tickets today and see what we are all about. There will be a special presentation by Kristy Burridge from Grosvenor Casino Book your tickets today!


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