
Simon Allen, Paula Barber, Andrew Briggs, Steve Garrett, Dan Laniewski, Nigel Mace and Michele Marsland were unable to attend


Keith Peacock
Trevor Horne
Alex Smale
Stella Goodman

Topics Discussed

  • Xmas Lights
  • Focus Training Venue
  • Subscriptions/New members
  • Breakfast Club
  • Any other Business
  • Date of next Meeting

Xmas Lights

It was decided that the lights would be installed on 20th November with Phil Johns assistance. This will allow plenty of time prior to the Switch On for any teething problems. Switch On would be Wednesday 30th Nov and we need to look at funding and entertainment for that evening. Ridgeway Methodists had said they could provide a choir, please get thinking caps on for the evening events. It was decided that after the Switch on we could have a Chamber Social; perhaps a meal at the Shapla or similar venue and an invite would be sent to all members well in advance. Alex had previously mentioned knowing someone for the cherry pickers, we await your thoughts Alex. Sponsorship will be needed so please have a think and let Keith or Andrew know

Focus Training Venue

Focus Training have kindly offered their premises as a seminar venue and just need confirmation of dates. Michele has volunteered to present a seminar in October so once we have that date confirmed the venue can be booked.

Subscriptions/New members

Can David confirm whether he has had an opportunity to email the membership re renewal fees? It was suggested that Nigel would follow these up with a courtesy call. We are still, having discrepancies with new members not receiving information and Andrew has already had to deal with one disgruntled new member so it is important w all follow the New Member Flow Chart as agreed at the last meeting (me included!).

Breakfast Club

Further to our previous meeting, it has been reiterated that for now the club will run at least for now, on a monthly basis. Guests should be actively invited and as much support given from the Committee as possible so that we can grow the Breakfast Club. A more structured agenda as discussed last month should be used. Keith has kindly offered to present at the meeting next week, which should be very interesting! As previously said, we want our members to use this club and not think it was just a social event but a way of growing their businesses.

Any Other Business

August is always a busy month so a lot of the AOB from our last meeting needs to be carried forward:

Nigel has offered to contact members previously so in his absence it was felt that he could take on this role with enquiries and new members.

Andrew has been looking at the cost of a Plym Chamber badge and is gathering quotes.

Events for the rest of the year was discussed; Michelle is happy to put on a tax workshop but felt this should be offered on a first come first served basis for aprox 12 members. I have also offered to put on a seminar informing our members about the NEST Pension Scheme that will be impacting on businesses from 2012. Dates to be advised.

Trevor wants info for the newsletter. Have we got any news about our businesses i.e. new staff, new products etc that we could email him so that it can be added.

Steve suggested that the businesses could display other members business cards if appropriate in their offices. This could be offered to our members to participate in.

Keith has details of an open invitation from the Saltram Rotary Club who are holding an open evening at Staddon Heights Golf Club 19th Sept. An email will be sent out to our membership informing them of this.

The cheques for our chosen charities have to be presented and publicity arranged for this.

Date of next Meeting

The Date for the next meeting has been revised. It was suggested that the last Wednesday of each month would be better as it would be prior to the Breakfast Club and therefore allow us an opportunity to announce any forthcoming events. The date has been agreed for Wed 28th September. It would be appreciated if anyone unable to attend could email their apologies in advance please.


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