Simon Allen, Paula Barber, Dan Laniewski, Keith Peacock, David Rice were unable to attend
Trevor Horne
Alex Smale
Stella Goodman
Andrew Briggs
Steve Garrett
Michele Marsland
Nigel Mace
Topics Discussed
- Christmas Lights
- Breakfast Club
- Summer Ball
- New members
- Any other Business
- Date of next Meeting
Christmas Lights
It has been agreed that the lights are to be installed 20th November and the Switch On will be 30th November. To ensure this is done, we need to organise;
- Handbell Ringers
- Guitar group
- Brass Band
- Father Christmas
Andrew has agreed to contact all of these, with a view of attending the Switch On. Other areas that need confirming are sponsorship of Xmas Tree and donations towards the lights. Stella will put together a letter for this. We also need helpers for Sunday 20th November for the light installation. All offers gratefully received. Andrew will also contact Amey to ensure everything is in order for the Ridgeway to be closed for the light installation.
Breakfast Club
This has received support since the launch and we have regularly 14 attendees. We really want to ensure the message of the benefits of networking reaches all our membership and for all of our members to invite other guests. We have decided to increase the cost of the breakfast to £10 which will allow the Breakfast Club to cover its own additional cost of marketing etc. Stella will organize a receipt book and petty cash for the next meeting.
Summer Ball
We are awaiting the presentation of the cheque to Call South West and would like to invite the local papers to attend this.
New members
It has been decided by the Committee that Nigel and Andrew will be the point of contact with prospective members to ensure that everyone feels welcome and fully understands the benefits of membership of the Chamber.
Any Other Business
Forthcoming events to be advertised on website and by email are
- Michele Marsland to run a workshop on Making your Figures work; provisional date 18th Oct
- Trevor Horne is holding a business coaching session on 16th Nov at the Elfordleigh
- Same date, same venue a Supper Club to be launched; more details to follow.
Trevor has asked that a discussion on a strategy for marketing and PR be put on the agenda for the next Committee meeting.
Andrew has mentioned the Plympton Civic Society are holding their famous Charity Quiz on 20th Oct at the Matchroom Suite and would like as many teams from the Plym Chamber as possible to attend.
Subscriptions; Andrew will speak to David ref outstanding subscriptions to clarify position.
Date of next Meeting
The Date for the next meeting has been agreed for Wed 26th October. It would be appreciated if anyone unable to attend could email their apologies in advance please.