Feedback on the year’s Xmas lights:
Unanimous vote to repeat the Lights next year, taking on board all lessons learnt.
Financially it appears to have been paid for by donations, which is great, but we need to have a contingency fund for next year as we owe a lot of the success to Phil @ Southern Electrical for their free time in installing the lights. The lights are to be taken down this coming Sunday morning so any support from Committee members will be appreciated. Please contact Andrew to confirm attendance and to liaise timings etc, Andrew felt a few hours commitment should be sufficient to take all the lights down.
Website now up and running with Steve having full functionality, therefore any pictures of the Lights being switched on please email them to Steve so he can upload onto the website.
Agenda for the first quarter of this year:
2nd Feb Chamber Supper venue TBA – a social event for Committee and other members of the Chamber.
9th March Open Evening – the idea is an informal Q & A event – with an invitation to Gary Streeter and Plympton Councillors.
13th April AGM – voting Committee etc
Discussion on a Summer Charity Dinner Dance (several committee felt ‘Ball’ was an off putting word) General consensus was let’s repeat it. Simon will look at various venues and come back with some prices. It was decided early part of July would be a good time and also discussed was the possibility of whether the band we had last year would be available again as everyone felt they were an excellent choice last year.
Any other business:
- Membership fees – agreed they will remain the same as last year £40.00
- Contacting Biz Link ref another biz advice clinics for the Spring.
- Breakfast Club to wait until the Spring to be launched.
- Stationery – Steve to order this week.
- Our relationship with the Plymouth Chamber of Commerce. Trevor had a meeting before Xmas with David Parby who is keen to have a connection with us. This is something that we believe is a bigger issue than tonight’s Committee meeting should decide and although happy to talk at this stage to Plymouth Chamber, we need to have some feedback from the Chamber as a whole.
Next Committee meeting will be the same night as the Chamber Supper – 2nd Feb, so we should be able to combine this with meeting at the venue pre the supper.
Any other suggestions please let us know.