The April breakfast was a full house and the atmosphere was brilliant. We had three new guests and welcomed back a few old faces. Cadburys Creme eggs were provided!
Excaliber Associates Stella and Luke gave a presentation on the services they provide including mortgages, investments and insurance. They are Plympton based independent financial advisors who are expanding and can give you a whole of market view on the products available.
At this months breakfast we made two new presentations to Stella from Excaliber associates and Nikki Keen from St Luke’s Hospice for their introduction of two New members to the chamber.
Each received a bottle of Plympton chamber branded wine provided for us by Intrinity.
Pictures below show Chris Menlove-Platt presenting the wine to each of the ladies.
If each person present in the room introduced one new member before the end of the year we would hit our target of reaching 100 members this year.