Zoom Lunch Club – 5 November



Plymouth Scrap Store

Come and join Joy and Jane the co founders of Plymouth Scrapstore“The home of playful creativity” as they take you on a “zoom around the Scrapstore shop” on Union St. Jane says “ We believe that the Scrapstore is an often missed gem for creatives, artists, environmentalists, those with a passion for the weird and wonderful, the colourful and glorious”.

Welcome & Introductions | Topic/Session | Open Networking

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 857 3052 2251
Passcode: lunchclub



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Our next Zoom Lunch will be on Friday 5th November at 1230.

Hosted by Sheron King from Mad Hatters Studio



Plymouth Scrap Store

Come and join Joy and Jane the co founders of Plymouth Scrapstore – “The home of playful creativity” as they take you on a “zoom around the Scrapstore shop” on Union St. Jane says “ We believe that the Scrapstore is an often missed gem for creatives, artists, environmentalists, those with a passion for the weird and wonderful, the colourful and glorious”.

The Scrapstore was set up nearly 30 years ago to provide affordable accessible resources for play and creativity. We would love to share our excitement and passion with you, tell you more about what we do and why and how you can join in and support this amazing resource for future generations.

In the meantime check us out on https://www.facebook.com/plymouthscrapstore

Welcome & Introductions | Topic/Session | Open Networking


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 857 3052 2251
Passcode: lunchclub



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