After previously being postponed due to snow, our first Talking Tables- Sherford was held on Wednesday 21st March at Elfordleigh followed by an excellent two course meal.
Brian Deacon of Linden Homes gave an interesting talk about the Sherford development and the plans for 2018, which includes the opening of the first primary school and work commencing on the Town Square and commercial and business premises.
Anyone interested in commercial premises should contact

We also learned that the Main Street will be built earlier than anticipated hopefully over the next few years.

Steve Warren-Brown, a Plym Chamber member – from YGS Landscapes followed with the explanation of the planting trees etc which began 3 years ago.
The Sherford main entrance is made up of a Bund(wall) of plants which is a third of a mile long and 30 feet at its highest. There are over 26,000 plants in the wall alone which took about 8 weeks to plant and should be a feature for many years to come.
We would like to thank our sponsors, Kitsons Solicitors and Marslands Accountants, for helping us put on an interesting event and look forward to a visit to the Town Square later this year!


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