Welcome Andrew Briggs (AB)
Michelle Marsland, Laurie De Mel, Paula Barber, Keith Peacock
Overview of last years minutes by Stella Goodwin, Secretary.
- Introduction, committees positions agreed and seconded.
- Financial review, Summer Ball 2010, Gary Streeter-talk.
- Room acknowledged minutes from last years AGM.
- Breakfast club in the pipeline.
- Branding in place.
- Summer Ball 2010 £750 raised.
- Chosen charity for 2011: Call Southwest again.
- Committee members have grown.
- Steve Garrett in charge of the new website.
- Boringdon Park meeting a great success with Business Link.
- Ridgeway Christmas lights a huge success, switch on with Father Christmas on a Harley Davis. Big thanks to Phil Johns, Steve Johnson, Co-op Funeral Parlour for sponsoring the tree, Community Council for the mulled wine. Thanks for the brass band, guitar group, Malc from Plympton Talk.
- Committee meeting at the Shapla.
- Welcome to David Rice as the new treasurer.
- Congratulations to Paula and Andy on their new baby.
- Thanks to Stella for the use of her office for meetings.
AB- Together we can do so much, Chamber by-line.
New chairman Keith, proposed by Nigel, seconded by Ian.
Room agrees to current committee.
DR-account £1,000 in credit.
Direct Debit setup for members, £30 by DD, normally£40.
Introduction of Alex Smale-Dartmoor Zoo business development manager, to committee AB 1st SG 2nd.
AS mentioned Hollywood film, local businesses sponsoring animal enclosures, breakfast club.
John Makin from Call South West gave a talk about the charity. Thanked PCC for money raised.
SG asked for overview and any criticisms of website.
Any other business.
Question time with;
- Gary Streeter MP
- Tim Jones Business Council
- Keith Jones Business Development Manager
Questions –
- Do first impressions count?
- Plympton Community Council
- What is the Big Society?
- Plymouth Road empty retail units-what can we do?