1. Mission Statement: Together we can do so much
2. Extent of Representation
Plym Chamber CIC is a mutual, non-profit making and non-political body whose membership is open to all businesses and third part sectors operating in the immediate vicinity of Plympton.
3. Constitution.
i. Elected Members
The committee is made up of at least six members of the Chamber to facilitate the day to day business of the Chamber. The committee will nominate Officers to carry out the duties of Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer. Election of the Committee will take place at the Annual General Meeting, which will take place in April of each year.
Nomination for the election to the Committee must be made to the currently serving Chairperson in writing and with the agreement of the nominee, together with the names of the proposer and seconder by the last day of March each year.
There is also a non elected role of Honorary President, which is offered to a long standing member of the Plympton community.
Meetings held where decisions need to be made are held to be quorate where at least 4 members with full voting rights vote on the proposal.
ii. Nominated Members
Sub-committees made up of a minimum of four full, nominated members of the Chamber will be formed to organise, control and promote specific tasks throughout the year on the behalf of the Chamber. Members so charged will be given full authority, within an agreed budget and terms and conditions as agreed by the main committee, to act on behalf of the Chamber. They must also keep the relevant Officers of the Chamber informed as appropriate.
iii. Full Members
The membership of the Chamber will be at the Committees discretion from professionals operating their businesses within the Plympton area. On payment of an annual membership fee they will be granted full voting rights and access to the facilities and support of the Chamber.
iv. Ex-officio Membership (Associate Member)
These are individuals who in the opinion of the Committee may be of assistance to the Chamber. Ex-officio members will not be granted any voting rights, although they will be welcome to attend any meetings of the Chamber by invitation from the Committee.
4. Authority of the Committee.
i. The Committee will be authorised, on election, to represent the interests of the Chamber in all routine matters for a period of twelve months from the date of election or until the next Annual General Meeting, whichever is the later.
ii. The Committee may act on their own initiative for non-routine matters which arise unexpectedly during their period of office. In all such cases the members of the Chamber are to be made aware of the actions of the Committee at the next meeting of the Chamber.
iii. Disciplinary procedures and the right of appeal. The committee reserve the right to revoke any membership, subject to a fair hearing, based on any action by a member that goes against the ethics of Plym Chamber CIC.
5. Financial Aspects of the Chamber.
ii. The Chamber will be part financed by an Annual Subscription, the level of which will be ratified at the Annual General Meeting and will reflect the representation and aims of the Chamber. The subscription is payable within one month of the member joining and renewable on the 1st day of the month, 12 months afterwards. Money raised by this subscription, functions and events will only be spent in support of the aims, interests and needs of the Chamber. These fees are non refundable.
ii. The Treasurer is to maintain accounts to 31st December each year reflecting all the financial income and expenditure and assets/liabilities of the Chamber. Such accounts will be made available to any full Member of the Chamber on request and will, in any case, be subject to an informal annual review made up of 2 other committee members of the Chamber.
iii. A statement of both the Full and Christmas Lights Accounts will be prepared for and read at the Annual General Meeting of the Chamber. Copies of the statement of accounts will be made available to all full Members on request.
iv. Funds held by the Chamber will be maintained in a suitable bank account, access to which will require the signatures of two of the no more than five signatories of the committee for all transactions over £100. Only the Treasurer will have the sole power to issue cheques/payments for under £100 but these items will require receipts and be made specifically available for the annual committee review.
v. The Treasurer is authorised to have online access to the Chamber’s current account and will be able to make payments online subject to rule iv, or if in excess of £100 with written agreement from another signatory to make such a payment.
vii. The paypal account will be authorised solely by the Treasurer and will be subject to the annual review with receipts produced.
6. The Aims of the Chamber
i. The prime aim of the Plym Chamber is to represent the interests of all full Members of Plym Chamber CIC.
ii. To promote Plympton as a centre of commerce and to facilitate events and functions throughout the year in support of this aim.
7. Meetings of the Chamber.
The Chamber will hold a public Annual General Meeting in May each year or on a date close to May, at which the Committee Members for the next twelve months will be elected and an outline plan of activities for the forthcoming year will be agreed. The activities of the previous year will be reviewed by the outgoing Committee and the Statement of Accounts will be read or made available.