We invite you to join us for our last Digital Breakfast of 2020.
Dig out your Christmas Jumpers or Hats!!
We’ve got a festive Christmas Quiz for you to take part in, followed by some open networking. Don’t forget to wear your favourite festive jumper or hat!!
Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM)
Plym Chamber CIC with immediate effect.2. To appoint directors of CIC and adopt memorandum and articles of
association and terms of reference.
3. To review the current membership scheme structure/rates with a view
to adopting a new structure with effect from the 2021 Annual General Meeting
All you have to do is put the kettle on or and join us via Zoom. Please join us by 07:55am so we can get logged in and ready to start prompt at 08:00am.
Digital Breakfast via Zoom
Hosted by
Stella Goodman
Excaliber Associates | Plym Chamber Committee | Chamber Member
Open Networking | Christmas Quiz | EGM